Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day TWO of VBS (blogged on day three)

Hello everyone, this morning while attempting to start this post an amazing thing happened. I was typing in HINDU. I had inadvertanly switched it to Hindi. Well day two a t VBS was great. the snack was great too, it was hoodsies, yum. well the kids were better and i learned that sometimes seven kids holding onto a rope is not a good idea, esspacially when going down stairs!! But alas i will just have to tell the kids to drop the rope if it starts to pull you. Oh and for all u unVBS people here is the inside scoop on the ropes. there is a rope that each vbs crew leader gets so that the kids can hold on to it and stay together with one crew leader in the back and the other crew leader in the front.
So ends my glorious day two.

Monday, July 28, 2008


i am back... and boy is it great to be back!! I had a wet vaction which was a let down but what more can you expect when there is a tropical storm that just refuses to move? I have started VBS crew leading which is a lot of fun. I still can't over the fact that the kids after only like one day are obsessed with you. It makes me feel very loved and needed. So i will try my best to blog everyday and update you on my life as a VBS Crew Leader...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I am Back

Sorry I didn't write... I have been very busy... but a good kind of busy... a summer type of busy... but that is entirly besides the point. now here is the thing i am going to be on vaction all of next week... that means a week of no blogging (not that weird or uncommon for me) so I will miss all of you if i don't see u before then.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Good Morning!!

Good Morning everyone... it has been a real long time since i blogged... and now since it is early i don't have much to blog about.... but let me think... oh yes even though it is like 8 in the morning i already have won a battle!! I have found my jeans!!! yay they were at the end of the bed ready and waiting to go untill i covered them in like two weeks worth of laundry but it was an early morning victory none the less!